3 Typical Spanish Foods
A Cuisine Rich and Varied as the Country Itself!

The Spanish cuisine is rich and varied as the country itself. From tasty tapas to superb seafood and traditional roasts, food in Spain is all about making the most of the best local produce putting emphasis on freshness. Ingredients such as garlic, olive oil, saffron, rice and lemon are the most common ingredients used in Spanish cuisine and will most of the time be present in any dish. Now, who hasn’t heard of the famous Paella, the delicious cured Jamon Iberico, or the exquisite Manchego cheese? And of course accompanied by a top quality Spanish wine! Just to name a few of the many delicatessen this gastronomical country has to offer.
So if you really want to claim to have visited Spain, try these 3 typical Spanish foods before going home!

Paella aka Arroz
An iconic Spanish dish originated from the region of Valencia. Traditional Valencian paella or arroz as they call it, has an elaboration as versatile and colorful as one’s own imagination. They serve paella with seafood like mussels, prawns, lobster or even drenched in black squid ink. You could also try the meat paellas with chicken or rabbit, sometimes even with snails. For the veggies among us, don't despair they also come with vegetables only! And of course, the best paella must under no circumstances lack the layer of toasted crispy rice along the bottom, known as socarrat.

Jamón Iberico
Both a common ingredient in many Spanish dishes and able to stand its own ground on any menu, Jamón Iberico is the most noble of Spain’s cured meats. The finest variety, Jamón Iberico de bellota, is prepared using specially raised pigs, fed on acorns in the later stages of their life to give the meat a distinctive nutty flavour. The hind legs are salted and air-dried for at least 36 months. The fat plays an important part in giving the meat its flavour and should always be savoured. Best served with a glass of red wine!

Tortilla Española
This humble potato omelet dish is one of the staples in the Spanish diet and cannot lack in any household. Although the original tortilla is elaborated with eggs and potatoes only, today you will be able to order this delicious dish in various creative flavours: with onions, artichokes, spinach, truffle and more. The possibilities are endless and just amazing! Only one thing to keep in mind is to be sure the tortilla is thick and moist, verging on slightly uncooked at its very heart. To be served with a very cold beer.